In this area, the disorders listed below can be treated in my practice

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Language development disorders

Therapie phonetisch - phonologischer Störungen
(Laute können nicht richtig gebildet und nicht unterschieden werden)

    Therapie von Kindern mit Late Talker Profil
(Kinder sprechen zu spät und verständigen sich mimisch oder gestisch)

    Therapy of verbal developmental dyspraxis 
(the planning of speech movements is disturbed and the children are often difficult to understand)

    Therapy of myofunctional and orofacial disorders 
(Swallowing disorders and wrong patterns in the entire mouth area - no mouth closure)

    Therapy of lateral pronunciation disorders
(due to faulty airflow guidance, audible background noises occur when speaking, which can sometimes make things incomprehensible)

    Therapy of severe articulation disorders 
(Teeth, tongue, lips and jaws are in the incorrect position to each other and make it difficult to understand)

   Therapy of language development disorders in a multilingual context 
(Children have few or no skills in the German language and may have deficits in their mother tongue)

Stuttering and rumbling in children

Support and therapy with physiological
(i.e. developmental) stuttering

    Resource-oriented therapy for stuttering children
(what works really well when)

    Stutter management
(how do I deal with my stutter)

    Change in symptoms
(how can it be easier)

    Reduction of side effects 
(Behavior change)

Speech disorders with profound hearing loss or deafness

Initiation of communicative skills

Maintaining communicative skills

Communicative practice

Therapy of auditory perception and processing disorders

Stuttering and rumbling in adults

Perception of one's own symptoms
(when does which symptom occur)

Change in your own symptoms
(how can I relieve my symptom)

Reduction of communicative stressors
(Consideration of social and environmental

Behavior change 

Aphasia / Dysarthria

Resource-oriented aphasia therapy

Communicative practice

Speech therapy in Parkinson disease

Difficulty swallowing

Speech and swallowing disorders in dementia

Swallowing disorders in Parkinson's disease

Voice disorders

Therapy of organically caused voice disorders

Therapy of functional voice disorders
(i.e. caused by incorrect use)

Voice therapy for transsexuals

Therapy of childhood dysphonia

Cleft lip and cleft palate

Initiation of correct articulation patterns

Build correct articulation patterns

Correction of incorrect articulation patterns